Sunday, March 20, 2011

A wonderful week!

I am so thankful for this last week!  It was a perfect combination of family, friends, fun, and relaxation.  Did much get done around the house?  Nope!  And I'm perfectly fine with that.  Earlier in the week we celebrated Ray's birthday.  Then Monday we went to Taos with friends and had THE BEST TIME!  We drove home through Albuquerque on Thursday and took the kids to the zoo.  We haven't done much since we've been home.  But I'm thankful the house is clean, the laundry is done, and there are groceries in the kitchen.  We are prepared to tackle our routine again in the morning.  I am so thankful, as educators, that we get this week off to relax and spend time with our family and friends. 

Today was the perfect ending to this week.  Regan and I went to Hereford to go to church with my grandma.  There was a guest preacher and he did a great job!  He spoke about healing from God.  Before today's service, if you mentioned healing to me, I would automatically relate it to physical healing of an illness or injury.  Not anymore!  I now have such a broadened idea of God's healing power.  He can heal my mind, my tongue, my heart, my emotions, my financial situation, my family, my relationships, my attitude, etc.  He can make me whole again through His healing powers.  This was eye-opening to me and it gave me so much hope.  Maybe a new way to view things and a new way to pray...

I am thankful for the gorgeous weather today!  I am thankful my kids played outside all afternoon.  I am thankful I have a great job to return to tomorrow! 

Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.

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